Hi @hohhashi
I would not recommend using Ivy API in a IvyWebTest.
You need to understand that a IvyWebTest is a completely different Stack than an IvyTest or an IvyProcessTest
IvyTest and IvyProcessTest's are starting the engine to a specific level completely in the JVM of the running test.
IvyWebTest's however starts a full engine in a different JVM and only communicates via the Browser interface with the engine.
If you use both annotations I assume it will do both, so start a different engine and start an engine to a specific level inside the test JVM, but those have nothing to do with each other.
If you run an IvyWebTest you should only communicate via browser with the engine.
For this, the web-tester dependency includes an EngineUrl helper util to start processes or log in a specific user. It does this by using the DevWorkflowUI.
Currently, there is no simple API to proceed with an existing task, but you can e.g. check the DevWorkflowUI test code.