On our way to Axon Ivy 12, we have started developing a Visual Studio Code extension that will serve as a web-based PRO Designer in the future. As a result, we have released a first preview version available in the official Visual Studio marketplace, see Axon Ivy Designer 11.
As mentioned before, the extension is currently at the stage of a preview. Therefore, we have decided not to release a Long Term Support (LTS) 12 version of it, but to continue directly with Leading Edge (LE) 13. This LE 13 version is now available in the Visual Studio market, see Axon Ivy Designer 13. Whereas the Axon Ivy Designer 11 extension will soon become deprecated.
Our plan is to release an LTS version 14 of the VS Code extension. To achieve this plan, you can expect new features with the Axon Ivy Designer 13 extension in the near future. I encourage you to install it and shape the next generation of Pro Designer with us.
If you have any questions regarding our VS Code extension journey, feel free to leave a comment below.